very case is different, we offer you individual solutions.
Born in 1979; Mrs. Behrend studied Law at the University of Göttingen from 10/2000 to 06/2005 also accomplishing a semester abroad at the Universidade de Vigo, in Spain. The German First State Legal Examination in 2005. Legal clerkship between 2006 and 2009 with stations at the Higher Regional Court of Bremen, the Bremen Evangelical Church and some others renowned law firms in northern Germany. Second State Legal Examination in January 2009.
Our attorney Mrs. Behrend is also a part-time fitness trainer since 2014.
Mrs. Behrend is authorized to represent before all German local, regional and higher regional courts.
Since 2016, she is an attorney for our Law Firm and partnership Horak Attorneys at Law.
Focus on
Intellectual property rights, in particular registration, design, attack and defence strategies (registration proceedings, collision proceedings, drafting of contracts, infringement proceedings) of:
- Patents
- Utility Models
- Designs
- Trademarks
- Domain names
- Semiconductor topology
- Plants variety
- Know-How
- Licences
Cartel and competition Law
- Act against Unfair Competition (UWG), Price Indication Ordinance (PAngVO)
- Food and pharmaceutical law
- Pharmacy law
- Advertising law in health care (doctors, pharmacists, health insurance companies, etc.)
- Public procurement law
Copyright law
- Media law/ Press law
- License Law
- Publishing Law
- Music Law
- Film Law
- Photography Law/Image Law
Technological and IT Law (Computer Law, Software Law, Legal Protection of Data etc.)
- IT-Law
- Domain name law, Domain law, UDRP, ADR
- Internet Law, Online Law, Privacy Policies Law
- Telecommunication Law,
- Energy Law
Sport Law
Food law, pharmaceutical law, pharmacy law
Drafting of contracts with reference to the aforementioned focal points
Legal proceedings relating to the aforementioned focal points
European and international law with reference to the aforementioned focal points
Commercial law and corporate law with reference to the aforementioned focal points
Commercial criminal law with reference to the above-mentioned focal points
Administratio Law
General civil law (labour law, construction law, inheritance law, family law, tenancy law, real estate law, purchase law, broker law, medical law, damage law, tort law, animal law, association law, traffic law
Commercial law and corporate law
Tax law
Insurance law