Andree Eckhard
Patent Attorney
European Trademark Attorney
European Design Attorney
Diploma in Physics
Protect your technical inventions: register your patent.
Born 1953 in Leimbach/Thuringia. Mr. Eckhardt studied physics from 1976 to 1981 at the Humboldt Universtiy of Berlin, specializing in solid-state physics and optoelectronics.
Diploma in 1981: “Degradation behaviour of LEDs”.
Our patent attorney Mr. Eckhardt also worked as a development engineer and group leader for color picture tube development (license: Toshiba/Japan) in the factory for television electronics Berlin from 1981 to 1987 and group leader for photoconductor development for xerography copiers in the microelectronics Secura-Werke Berlin from 1987 to 1990.
Additional IT training at Siemens-Nixdorf in 1990. From1991, Mr Eckhardt worked as a patent engineer at Preussag AG, and afterwards proceeded a career a the TUI AG Hanover while training as a patent agent.
Mr. Eckhardt is a patent attorney at the partnership Horak Attorneys at Law since 2015.
Focus on
Intellectual property law, in particular registration, design, attack and defence strategies (registration proceedings, collision proceedings, drafting of contracts, infringement proceedings) of:
- Patents
- Utility models
- Designs
- Trademarks
- Domain names
- Semiconductor topographies
- Variety of plants
- Know-How
- Licenses
Competition Law
Legal Proceedings – representation as patent attorney
Contractual design
Technical and Scientific Skills of the Patent Attorney Andree Eckhard:
- klassische und moderne Physik
- Festkörperphysik
- Mechanik
- Laserphysik
- Elektrotechnik
- Elektronik
- Hochfrequenztechnologien
- Hochspannungstechnik
- Telematik
- Mechatronik
- Informationstechnologie
- Datenverarbeitungstechnik
- Bildverarbeitungstechnologien
- Halbleitertechnologie
- Unterhaltungselektronik
- Computer–Hardware
- IT-Technik
- Software
- Telekommunikation
- Automatisierungstechnik
- Optik
- Atomphysik
- Molekularphysik
- Maschinenbau
- Baumaschinen
- Kraftfahrzeugwesen
- Schiffbau
- Flugzeugbau
- Antriebstechnik
- Steuerungstechnik
- Verfahrenstechnik
- Fertigungstechnik
- Produktionstechnik
- Verpackungstechnik
- Papiertechnik
- Produktentwicklung
- Messtechnik
- Regelungstechnik
- Prozesstechnologie
- Haushaltsgeräte
- Kleingeräte
- Lebensmitteltechnik
- Luft- und Raumfahrt
- Sicherheitstechnik
- Kraftwerkstechnik
- Materialtechnologie
- Stahlherstellung
- Stahlverarbeitung
- Metalltechnologie
- Keramiktechnologie
- Legierungen
- Nanotechnologie
- Energietechnik
- erneuerbare Energie
- Physikalische Chemie
- Polymere
- Katalysatoren
- Lithografie
- Fotografie