
Compliance & Law

Law firm for compliance, compliance management, compliance officer, antitrust law, money laundering law, commercial law, banking law, insurance law, corporate law, data protection law, labour law, white collar crime, international law, specialist lawyer


Compliance International Guidelines

International Guidelines: Compliance around the world In international business transactions, it must be taken into account that regulations of other countries that are involved are also to be considered strictly binding. The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribary Act are particularly worthy of mention. Both serve to combat corruption, FCPA as a […]

Section(§) 91 (2) Stock Corporation Act: German Risk management obligation

Section 91 Organisation; accounting (2) The management board is to take suitable measures, and in particular is to institute a monitoring system, in order to allow developments jeopardising the company’s continued existence to be identified at an early point in time. This Section of the German Stock Corporation Act requires the executive board of a […]

Structured legal compliance and compliance management

„Compliance in itself is not new, as it is probably a matter of course that organisations comply with laws and voluntary commitments. What is new is the structured approach to this task.”(Dr. Barbara Neiger) Compliance can be implemented with recommendations for action as part of a Compliance Management System (CMS) in the area of legal […]

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