
Compliance & Law

Law firm for compliance, compliance management, compliance officer, antitrust law, money laundering law, commercial law, banking law, insurance law, corporate law, data protection law, labour law, white collar crime, international law, specialist lawyer

Month: October 2020

How does Compliance find the compliance risks?

Especially the risks to which a company is exposed influence the design of a compliance management system. In the professional world, experts also speak of risk landscape, risk situation or risk exposure. Procedure for compliance risk We recommend the following procedure for setting up a compliance management system: after identifying the risks, they are assessed. […]

Which compliance goals can be achieved with which compliance strategies

With the compliance management system, a company wants to promote compliance with laws and guidelines in the company and avoid misconduct. Low risk with simultaneous increase in efficiency and effectiveness – these are the major goals of compliance. This can only be achieved through the strategic use of compliance measures. A compliance management system is […]

Compliance in 6 Steps

Compliance can be applied in a structured way in 6 steps. 1. Risk analysis: Identification of risks and legal requirements Every compliance analysis will usually begin with the identification of the general and sector- or company-specific risks in which the company operates. In doing so, the legal framework conditions and the resulting compliance requirements are […]

Structured legal compliance and compliance management

„Compliance in itself is not new, as it is probably a matter of course that organisations comply with laws and voluntary commitments. What is new is the structured approach to this task.”(Dr. Barbara Neiger) Compliance can be implemented with recommendations for action as part of a Compliance Management System (CMS) in the area of legal […]

What is Compliance

Compliance in itself simply means that the applicable legal rules and recognised social values and standards are always adhered to in the context of all entrepreneurial activity. In light of the existing density of regulations for companies and entrepreneurs, cross-border activities, increasing regulation and, in particular, the special liability for management bodies, every company today […]

What does a Compliance Officer do

The compliance officer is responsible for compliance in a company. There are internal and external compliance officers. In both cases, the compliance officer acts as a rather independent unit responsible for compliance with the legal framework. In addition, the compliance officer is responsible for compliance management and the associated establishment of rules for compliance with […]

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